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Appears in Collections:University of Stirling Research Data
Title: Back to the Future: Archiving Residential Children's Homes (ARCH) in Scotland and Germany
Other Titles: The ARCH Project
Creator(s): Emond, Ruth
Contact Email:
Keywords: Residential Childcare
Record Keeping
Memory Keeping
Everyday Group Life
Citation: Emond, M (2025): Back to the Future: Archiving Residential Children's Homes (ARCH) in Scotland and Germany. University of Stirling. Dataset.
Publisher: University of Stirling. School of Social Work.
Dataset Description (Abstract): Back to the Future: Archiving Residential Children’s Homes (ARCH) was a three year project undertaken by researchers at the University of Stirling and the University of Osnabrück. The research was supported by the Arts and Humanities Council and the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) and aimed to explore and improve how the everyday group care experiences of children and young people in residential care were captured and preserved. The team worked in partnership with children, young people, care experienced adults, as well as with Aberlour Children’s Charity, Birthlink, The National Records of Scotland, and The Residential Childcare Project at Cornell University. This data was gathered between 2022 and 2024 as part of Phase Two of the ARCH Project (Phase One was an analysis of an historical archive, details of which can be found on the project website This data set includes transcripts of 22 interviews with young people, care experienced adults, and adults working in residential childcare. There are also three transcripts of photo elicitation exercises with young people and residential staff and one set of notes for a photo elicitation exercise where the young person did not wish to be recorded.
Dataset Description (TOC): Transcripts of interviews and photo elicitation exercises from phase two of the ARCH project.
Type: dataset
Contract/Grant Title: Back to the Future: Archiving Residential Children's Homes (ARCH) in Scotland and Germany
Living Archives in Residential Child Care: using the past to inform the future
Funder(s): AHRC - Arts and Humanities Research Council
Contract/Grant Number: AH/V003232/1
Worktribe Project ID: 1365696
Geographic Location(s): Scotland
Time Period: 2022 - 2024
Rights: After embargo period ends, rights covered by the standard CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Affiliation(s) of Dataset Creator(s): University of Stirling

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
Interview Care Experienced Adult 02-06-23.docxThis is an automated transcript from a Microsoft Teams interview and, therefore, there may be some transcription errors. Identifying information of participants has been removed.55.36 kBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Care Experienced Adult 28-06-23.docxThis is an automated transcript from a Microsoft Teams interview and, therefore, there may be some transcription errors. Identifying information of participants has been removed.49.27 kBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff1 07-04-23.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff2 14-04-23.docx2.93 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff3 14-04-23.docx2.9 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff4 28-04-23.docx2.92 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview with Senior Manager 17-08-23.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Young Person 1 13-03-23.docx2.93 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Young Person 2 04-04-23.docx2.9 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Photo Elicitation notes young person 04-02-23.docx2.32 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Photo Elicitation Transcript Two staff 13-12-22.docx1.39 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Photo Elicitation Transcript Two Young People 13-12-22.docx1.39 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Photo Elicitation Transcript young person 10-01-23.docx1.4 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Follow up interview Staff 22-04-24.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Follow up interview YP1 03-05-24.docx2.89 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff5 06-03-24.docx2.9 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff6 11-03-24.docx2.89 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview Staff7 22-04-24.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH1.docx2.9 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH2.docx2.9 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH3.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH4.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH5.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH6.docx2.92 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Interview adult other RCH7.docx2.91 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy
Other RCH Group Interview (1).docx2.93 MBMicrosoft Word XMLUnder Embargo until 2/1/2025     Request a copy

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