University of Stirling Research Data : [163] Collection home page

This collection contains research data produced by University of Stirling researchers.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 163
Date AddedTitleCreator(s)Type
24-Aug-2023Elephant water source events, Ruaha-Rungwa 2019-2020Smit, Josephinedataset
24-Aug-2023Elephant water source event counts, Ruaha-Rungwa 2019-2020Smit, Josephinedataset
9-Aug-2023Captive giant panda circadian/circannual behavioural data (Mother and cub case study)Buchanan-Smith, Hannah M; Kessler, Sharon E; Gandia, Kristine Mdataset
19-Jun-2023Stand by Me - Perspectives of older couples with a learning disability when one partner has dementia: identifying support needs of carer dyadsWatchman, Karendataset
6-Jun-2023Benefits and risks of wild swimming in ScotlandOliver, David; McDougall, Craig Wdataset
11-May-2023Identification of novel characteristics that encourage first-time adult participants to return to parkrun in ScotlandGilburn, Andredataset
9-May-2023Pollen removal changes floral scent of buzz-pollinated Solanum flowersMoore, C D; Farman, D I; Särkinen, T; Stevenson, P C; Vallejo-Marín, Mdataset
5-May-2023Captive giant panda circadian/circannual behavioural dataGandia, Kristine M; Kessler, Sharon E; Buchanan-Smith, Hannah Mdataset
13-Feb-2023Dialing out: A study on overcoming loneliness through call and touchGray, Nicholas LT; Roberts, S Craigdataset
1-Nov-2022Did that happen, or am I just making it up? Investigating false memories after alcohol-induced blackouts in sober young adultsJackson, Judith; Dering, Benjamindataset
27-Oct-2022Resolving the intricate role of climate in litter decompositionJoly, François-Xavier; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Hättenschwiler, Stephandataset
13-Sep-2022Floral orientation affects outcross pollen deposition in buzz-pollinated flowers with bilateral symmetryNevard, Lucy; Vallejo-Marin, Mariodataset
2-Sep-2022Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, previous oral contraceptive use, and partner support among 2321 womenRoberts, S Craig; Roberts, Stewartdataset
26-Aug-2022Protecting Those Who Care for Us: air quality monitoring dataDobson, Ruaraidh; Semple, Seandataset
22-Jul-2022Copy of online survey for 'Concerns and research priorities for Scottish farmed salmon welfare – an industry perspective'Wiese, Timothytext
5-Jul-2022Faecal indicator bacteria mobilisation datasetAfolabi, Emmanuel; Quilliam, Richard; Oliver, Daviddataset
24-Jun-2022Woodland creation and Ecological Networks (WrEN) project moths datasetFuentes-Montemayor, Elisa; Watts, Kevin; Sansum, Philip; Scott, Will; Park, Kirstydataset
1-Jun-2022Data from 'Sensory plasticity in a socially plastic bee'Boulton, Rebecca; Field, Jeremydataset
13-May-2022Dataset: Sewage-associated plastic waste washed up on beaches can act as a reservoir for faecal bacteria, potential human pathogens, and genes for antimicrobial resistanceMetcalf, Rebecca; White, Hannah; Moresco, Vanessa; Ormsby, Michaeldataset
5-May-2022Dataset for Jones et al. (2022) "Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan" Journal of Applied EcologyJones, Isabel L; Timoshenko, Alexey; Zuban, Ivan; Zhadan, Konstantin; Cusack, Jeremy J; Duthie, A Bradley; Hodgson, Isla D; Minderman, Jeroen; Pozo, Rocío A; Whytock, Robin C; Bunnefeld, Nilsdataset
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 163