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Appears in Collections:University of Stirling Research Data
Title: Datasets for the paper "Mining Markov Network Surrogates for Value-Added Optimisation" presented at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016
Creator(s): Brownlee, Alexander E I
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Keywords: metaheuristics
fitness approximation
decision making
Date Available: 10-May-2016
Citation: Brownlee, AEI (2016): Datasets for the paper "Mining Markov Network Surrogates for Value-Added Optimisation" presented at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016. University of Stirling. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Dataset.
Publisher: University of Stirling. Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dataset Description (Abstract): Model coefficients for the models that are analysed in the paper, and predicted/true fitness values for the validation data. As described in the paper: Surrogate fitness functions are a popular technique for speeding up metaheuristics, replacing calls to a costly fitness function with calls to a cheap model. However, surrogates also represent an explicit model of the fitness function, which can be exploited beyond approximating the fitness of solutions. The paper proposed that mining surrogate fitness models can yield useful additional information on the problem to the decision maker, adding value to the optimisation process. An existing fitness model based on Markov networks was presented and applied to the optimisation of glazing on a building facade. Analysis of the model revealed how its parameters point towards the global optima of the problem after only part of the optimisation run, and revealed useful properties like the relative sensitivities of the problem variables.
Dataset Description (TOC): Documentation in README.txt: Data sets for the paper "Mining Markov Network Surrogates for Value-Added Optimisation" by Alexander E.I. Brownlee Presented in the SAEOpt Workshop at GECCO 2016 DOI:10.1145/2908961.2931711 Files: 10runs-cost-biuni-1000-sel400.txt 10runs-cost-uni-400-sel140.txt 10runs-energy-biuni-1000-sel400.txt 10runs-energy-uni-400-sel140.txt These are the aggregated model coefficients for the four MFMs mentione in the paper (cost/energy univariate/univariate+bivariate). Columns are: coeffNumber mean stdDev biuni-cost-predicts.txt biuni-energy-predicts.txt uni-cost-predicts.txt uni-energy-predicts.txt These are the predicted and true fitness values for the test solutions used to compute r^2 for the four MFMs mentione in the paper (cost/energy univariate/univariate+bivariate). coefficients.xlsx These are the model coefficients for the ten repeat runs of each model. Each tab's rows are: rowNumber 120 columns for univariate alphas 240 columns for bivariate alphas if applicable 1 colum for constant
Type: dataset
Contract/Grant Title: DAASE: Dynamic Adaptive Automated Software Engineering
FAIME: A Feature based Framework to Automatically Integrate and Improve Metaheuristics via Examples
Funder(s): EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Contract/Grant Number: EP/J017515/1
Worktribe Project ID: 571823
Rights: Rights covered by the standard CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Affiliation(s) of Dataset Creator(s): University of Stirling (Computing Science - CSM Dept)

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