Data sets for the paper "Mining Markov Network Surrogates for Value-Added Optimisation" by Alexander E.I. Brownlee Presented in the SAEOpt Workshop at GECCO 2016 DOI:10.1145/2908961.2931711 Files: 10runs-cost-biuni-1000-sel400.txt 10runs-cost-uni-400-sel140.txt 10runs-energy-biuni-1000-sel400.txt 10runs-energy-uni-400-sel140.txt These are the aggregated model coefficients for the four MFMs mentione in the paper (cost/energy univariate/univariate+bivariate). Columns are: coeffNumber mean stdDev biuni-cost-predicts.txt biuni-energy-predicts.txt uni-cost-predicts.txt uni-energy-predicts.txt These are the predicted and true fitness values for the test solutions used to compute r^2 for the four MFMs mentione in the paper (cost/energy univariate/univariate+bivariate). coefficients.xlsx These are the model coefficients for the ten repeat runs of each model. Each tab's rows are: rowNumber 120 columns for univariate alphas 240 columns for bivariate alphas if applicable 1 colum for constant