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Appears in Collections:University of Stirling Research Data
Title: Genotype and phenotype data for Recent autopolyploidisation in a wild population of Mimulus guttatus (Phrymaceae)
Other Titles: Autopolyploid Mimulus guttatus
Creator(s): Simón-Porcar, Violeta
Vallejo-Marin, Mario
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Keywords: Autotetraploid
Shetland Isles
Sympatric speciation
Whole genome duplication
Date Available: 14-Jul-2017
Citation: Simón-Porcar, V; Vallejo-Marin, M (2017): Genotype and phenotype data for Recent autopolyploidisation in a wild population of Mimulus guttatus (Phrymaceae). University of Stirling. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Dataset.
Publisher: University of Stirling. Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Dataset Description (Abstract): Polyploidisation can trigger rapid changes in morphology, ecology and genomics even in the absence of associated hybridisation. However, disentangling the immediate biological consequences of genome duplication from the evolutionary change that subsequently accumulates in polyploid lineages, requires the identification and analysis of recently formed polyploids. We investigated the incidence of polyploidisation in introduced populations of Mimulus guttatus in the United Kingdom, and report the discovery of a new mixed diploid-autopolyploid population in the Shetland Isles. We conducted a genetic analysis of six Shetland populations to investigate whether tetraploid individuals may have originated from local diploid plants, and compared the morphology of tetraploids and local diploids to assess the phenotypic consequences of genome duplication. Autotetraploids are genetically close to sympatric diploids, suggesting that they have originated locally. Phenotypically, whole genome duplication has resulted in clear differences between ploidy levels, with tetraploids showing delayed phenology, and larger flowers, leaves and stems than diploids. Our results support the hypothesis that novel evolutionary lineages can rapidly originate via polyploidisation. The newly discovered autopolyploidisation event in a non-native Mimulus population provides an opportunity to investigate the early causes and consequences of polyploidisation in the wild.
Dataset Description (TOC): One file with co-dominant marker data for diploid and tetraploid individuals of Mimulus guttatus from Shetland. Alleles are numbered sequentially for each locus. One file with vegetative and floral phenotypic data for individuals derived from diploid and tetraploid families of Mimulus guttatus collected in Shetland.
Type: dataset
Contract/Grant Title: Phenotypic variation and local adaptation in clonal vs. sexual populations: a test using introduced populations of monkey flowers
Funder(s): Other
Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
RMS ID: 1512
Geographic Location(s): Shetland Isles
United Kingdom
Northern Europe
Time Period: 2014-2015
Rights: Rights covered by the standard CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Affiliation(s) of Dataset Creator(s): University of Stirling (Biological and Environmental Sciences)

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
Simon-Porcar_et_al_Genotype_data_20170714.csv8.83 kBcomma-separated file (.csv)View/Open
Simon-Porcar_et_al_Phenotype_data_20170714.csv15.74 kBcomma-separated file (.csv)View/Open

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