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Appears in Collections:University of Stirling Research Data
Title: Illness perceptions, symptom severity and psychosocial outcomes in adults with dysfunctional breathing
Creator(s): Maltinsky, Wendy
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Keywords: psychosocial, illness perceptions, common sense self-regulatory model, dysfunctional breathing, breathing pattern disorder
Date Available: 29-Aug-2024
Citation: Maltinsky, W (2024): Illness perceptions, symptom severity and psychosocial outcomes in adults with dysfunctional breathing. University of Stirling, School of Natural Sciences. Dataset.
Publisher: University of Stirling, School of Natural Sciences
Dataset Description (Abstract): The data collected is part of a larger project exploring the co-development, acceptability and usability of a digital avatar to support clinicians and individuals who have breathing pattern disorder (alternative name is dysfunctional breathing) to improve breathing retraining. Data collected here explored the illness perceptions, symptom severity, impact on daily living, depression and anxiety
Dataset Description (TOC): Optimuscle Shareable Data Storre excel spreadsheet
Type: dataset
Contract/Grant Title: Digital Health: Optimuscle - Improving health outcomes through the optimisation of muscle function
Funder(s): EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Contract/Grant Number: EP/W003600/1
Worktribe Project ID: 1687028
Rights: Rights covered by the standard CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Affiliation(s) of Dataset Creator(s): University of Stirling (Psychology)

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OptiMuscle Shareable DATA Storre.xlsxOptimuscle Illness representations, symptom severity, depression, anxiety and impact on daily living for people diagnosed with dysfunctional breathing60.9 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open

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