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Appears in Collections:University of Stirling Research Data
Title: The interaction between luminance polarity grouping and symmetry axes on the ERP responses to symmetry
Creator(s): Dering, Benjamin
Wright, Damien
Gheorghiu, Elena
Contact Email:
Keywords: symmetry
luminance polarity grouping
event-related potentials
sustained posterior negativity
Citation: Dering, B; Wright, D; Gheorghiu, E (2025): The interaction between luminance polarity grouping and symmetry axes on the ERP responses to symmetry. University of Stirling. Dataset.
Publisher: University of Stirling
Dataset Description (Abstract): The dataset includes raw data files, trigger information, event-related potentials generated from the experiment, data used for statistical analysis, and all statistical ouput.
Dataset Description (TOC): Dataset associated with the paper: Dering B, Wright D & Gheorghiu E (2024) The interaction between luminance polarity grouping and symmetry axes on the ERP responses to symmetry. Visual Neuroscience>, 41, Art. No.: E005. Please see the ReadMe.txt file.
Type: dataset
Contract/Grant Title: Towards a better understanding of mirror-symmetry in human vision
Funder(s): University of Stirling
Wellcome Trust
Contract/Grant Number: 106969/Z/15/Z
Worktribe Project ID: 417354
Rights: After embargo period ends, rights covered by the standard CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Affiliation(s) of Dataset Creator(s): University of Stirling (Psychology)
University of Edinburgh

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
Group Averages.zip12.64 MBZIPView/Open
Stats_output_Jamovi.zip4.37 MBZIPView/Open
Early_Late_SPN.xlsx6.66 MBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open
P1_N1_SPN.xlsx10.57 MBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open
Trigger Information.txt899 BTextView/Open
Behavioural data.xlsx12.15 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open
ReadMe.txt3.16 kBTextView/Open
Behavioural analysis summary.xlsx18.79 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open

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