The interaction between luminance polarity grouping and symmetry axes on the ERP responses to symmetry Benjamin Dering(1), Damien Wright(2), & Elena Gheorghiu(1) - (1) University of Stirling & (2) University of Edinburgh Dataset compiled by Benjamin Dering: The Dataset incorporates all raw EEG data, ERP grand averages, & data output for statistics for the above paper. File: Raw Description: A folder containing all 26 Raw EEG data files in Neuroscan .cnt file format. P1 refers to participant number. From participant 15 onwards coding of file name changed (to follow our standard lab format). For example, 15F25R refers to participant 15, Female, 25 years old, and right handed. File: Grand Description: A folder containing 30 ERP grand averages in Neuroscan.avg file format of all possible conditions of the experiment. Naming of files is as follows: Filename: M_M_00-GAVG.avg 1st position = M: Denotes symmetry type, or noise. M = Mirror Symmetry, R = Rotation Symmetry, T = Translation Symmetry, N = Noise 2nd position denotes symmetry type, if N is in the 1st position. If M, R, or T are in the first position, M in the second position is redundant, as in the example above. 3rd Position = 00: Denotes the relative angle between luminance polarity and symmetry axes. 00 = 0 deg relative angle, 30 = 30 deg relative angle, 60 = 60 deg relative angle, 90 = 90 deg relative angle, UniP = single polarity 4th Position denotes file type, and is the same for all files (GAVG - grand average). File: P1_N1_SPN.xlsx Description: All raw data extracted for statistics on P1, N1, and SPN components. Note the SPN here is across the full SPN time window. Tabs include 'Raw Data' - the output of mean amplitudes and latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'PIVOT' - an Excel pivot table of the raw data, used for running stats on. Naming of conditions is as stated above. File: Early_Late_SPN.xlsx Description: All raw data extracted for statistics on P1, N1, and SPN components. Here the SPN is divided into an early and late time window. Tabs include 'Raw Data' - the output of mean amplitudes and latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'PIVOT' - an Excel pivot table of the raw data, used for running stats on. Naming of conditions is as stated above. File: Behavioural Data.xlsx Description: An Excel file containing accuracy values for each symmetry type and condition. File: Behavioural Analysis Summary.xlsx Description: An Excel file of statistical outpur for the analysis of behavioural accuracy data. File: Trigger Information.txt Description: A text file describing the trigger events and conditions for the raw EEG data. File: Description: Contains all individual ANOVA models & t-tests of ERP data in the main paper and supplementary materials in Jamovi.omv format. Each file is named x1 through to x30. Data in each file was generated from the appropriate .xlsx files given above. This naming convention follows the order of the tests presented in the paper, for the most part. Note that one-sample t-tests have been moved to the supplementary materials.