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Appears in Collections:University of Stirling Research Data
Title: Potential areas for woodland creation in the UK
Other Titles: Woodland opportunity map of the UK
Creator(s): Bradfer-Lawrence, Tom
Keywords: Nature-based solutions
Habitat creation
Date Available: 2-Jul-2021
Citation: Bradfer-Lawrence, T; Finch, T; Bradbury, RB; Buchannan, GM; Midgley, A; Field, RH (2021): Potential areas for woodland creation in the UK. University of Stirling. Faculty of Natural Science. Dataset.
Publisher: University of Stirling. Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dataset Description (Abstract): A raster GIS layer covering the UK, showing percentage of ground potentially available for woodland creation within each 5km grid cell. Areas considered unavailable for woodland creation included higher quality agriculture land and existing woodland (the modification of which could reduce agricultural or timber production, leading to offshoring of emissions), sites designated for nature conservation, priority habitats and peatlands (to avoid perverse outcomes for soil carbon or biodiversity) and existing buildings, infrastructure and archaeological features. Some excluded areas were further buffered to limit possible negative spill-over effects of woodland creation, such as on peatland hydrology, or to reduce predation in sites designated for conservation of wading birds. Full details of the methodology and input layers are available in the layer metadata document.
Dataset Description (TOC): 1. Raster GIS layer showing percentage of ground potentially available in each 5km grid cell. 2. Metadata document, outlining the map creation methodology and the input layers used to exclude unsuitable areas.
Type: dataset
Funder(s): RSPB
Geographic Location(s): United Kingdom
Rights: Rights covered by the standard CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Affiliation(s) of Dataset Creator(s): Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
University of Stirling (Biological and Environmental Sciences)
RSPB Centre for Conservation Science
University of Cambridge

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Potential_for_woodland_creation_in_the_UK.tif120.73 kBTIFFView/Open
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