Column names in dataSTORRE.csv: S_timing: Time spent on the page with the Synchronous video (seconds) SO: Open question for Synchronous condition S1-S9: Questionnaire items for Synchronous condition SF: Foil question for Synchronous condition SA: Reported touch synchronicity for Synchronous condition A_timing: Time spent on the page with the Asynchronous video (seconds) AO: Open question for Asynchronous condition A1-A9: Questionnaire items for Synchronous condition AF: Foil question for Synchronous condition AA: Reported touch synchronicity for Synchronous condition Final_both: Open question following both conditions Final_check: Whether participant has heard of procedure shown in the videos Final_check: Whether participant has participated in the procedure shown in the videos First_condition: The first counterbalanced condition shown to the participant S_questions_DO: Randomised order of questionnaire statements presented in Synchronous condition A_questions_DO: Randomised order of questionnaire statements presented in Asynchronous condition