The morning after the night before: Impaired next day recall after alcohol memory blackout in sober young adults Judith Jackson, David I Donaldson & Benjamin Dering Dataset compiled by Judith Jackson: The Dataset incorporates all behavioural data, statistical model outputs, and supplementary analysis applied to the studies reported in “The morning after the night before: Impaired next day recall after alcohol memory blackout in sober young adults”. Experiment 1: Free Recall File: Free_Recall.xls Tab 1: Free_Between_Groups Description: Shows accuracy (%) and false alarms (%). Each score is the mean of three blocks per condition. T1 was before alcohol, T2 after alcohol. Tab 2: Free_MBO_Only Description: Lists the experimental group (MBO) mean accuracy (%) in all three conditions - T1 before alcohol, T2 after alcohol, and T3 after memory blackout. Tab 3: Free_MBO_Sleep Description: Number of reported minutes slept per participant, with the corresponding difference between mean accuracy at T1 and T3. Tab 4: Summary_Statistics Description: Output summaries from R statistical software. Details linear model outputs, by addition of predictor. Best fitting model summary is then recorded, with corresponding r numbers and/or Bonferroni corrected effect sizes. Tab 5: Permutation_Raw_Data Description: Accuracy per participant, for each free recall block in both sober and after MBO conditions. Tab 6: Randomise_Participants Description: Before alcohol and after MBO results resampled by randomising 2000 times in order to create test distributions. Tab 7: Individuals_Free_Recall Description: Actual mean differences between before alcohol and after blackout compared to Z-score differences from test distribution in order to highlight MBO effects in individual participants Experiment 2: Serial Recall File: Serial_recall.xls Tab 1: Serial_Data Description: Mean (%) scores for accuracy (T1_TotalP, T2_TotalP, and T3_TotalP), mean scores for sequence length (T1_Seq, T2_Seq, and T3_Seq), and for false alarms (T1_FA, T2_FA and T3_FA). Tab 2: Serial_Sleep Description: Number of minutes of reported sleep per participant, with corresponding mean differences between T1 (before alcohol) and T3 (after MBO), for accuracy, sequence length and false alarms. Tab 3: Serial_Summary_Statistics Description: Output summaries from R statistical software. Shows model outputs per addition of predictors, and summary for best fitting model. Effect sizes, r, are reported, and/or Bonferroni statistics. Tab 4: Sample_Mean_Differences Description: Mean scores per participant, per block, and calculation of mean differences between conditions. Tab 5: Randomise_Participants Description: Incorporates individual mean scores per block, per condition (before alcohol/after MBO) and resamples each score 2000 times to create a test distribution of possible differences. Tab 6: Individuals_Serial_Recall Description: Each participant mean difference between condition, and Z scores from test distributions, to explore the number of participants exhibiting the MBO effect. Experiment 3: Depth of Processing File: Depth_Data.xls Tab 1: Depth_All_Data Description: Data split by participant, session (before alcohol, after alcohol, after MBO), by depth (deep or shallow), by mean accuracy in immediate recall (%), by mean accuracy in delayed recall (%), and by immediate and delayed false alarms. Tab 2: Depth_Sleep Description: Reported minutes slept by participant, with corresponding differences in accuracy and false alarms between before alcohol and after MBO. Broken down by condition (deep encoding, immediate recall; deep false alarms, immediate recall; deep encoding, delayed recall; deep false alarms, delayed recall; same pattern for shallow condition). Tab 3: Depth_Summary_Statistics Description: Model output from R, detailed by addition of predictor. Best fitting model summary noted below with corresponding effect sizes (r or Bonferroni). Between group accuracy, within MBO group accuracy, and sleep by condition all reported. Tab 4: Raw_Data Description: Accuracy data per participant, per condition (before alcohol/after MBO), per depth manipulation (deep/shallow), per recall condition (immediate/delay). Tab 5: Randomise_Immediate_Deep Description: Before alcohol and after MBO results resampled by randomising likelihood of achieving actual scores 2000 times to create a test distribution in the immediate recall, deep manipulation condition. Tab 6: Randomise_Immediate_Shallow Description: As Tab 5, but for immediate recall, shallow manipulation. Tab 7: Randomise_Delay_Deep Description: As Tab 5, but for delayed recall, deep manipulation. Tab 8: Randomise_Delay_Shallow Description: As Tab 5, but for delayed recall, shallow manipulation. Tab 9: Individual_Results Description: Mean differences per participant, compared to mean Z scores to show number of individuals who displayed an after MBO impairment in accuracy scores.