Shape before number: brain potentials and microstates reveal the interplay between form and numerosity in human vision Elena Gheorghiu & Benjamin Dering - University of Stirling Dataset compiled by Benjamin Dering: The Dataset incorporates all Grand Averaged ERP data, statistics, and Microstate Segmentation analysis applied to the number estimation studies in "Gheorghiu & Dering, Shape before number: brain potentials and microstates reveal the interplay between form and numerosity in human vision." [Experiment 1]: File: L1V3.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L1 refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. V3 gives the number of vertices (3). Therefore, a triangle shape. File: L1V4.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L1 refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. V4 gives the number of vertices (4). Therefore, a square shape. File: L1V5.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L1 refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. V5 gives the number of vertices (5). Therefore, a pentagon shape. File: L1V6.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L1 refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. V6 gives the number of vertices (6). Therefore, a hexagon shape. File: L2V3.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L2 refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. V3 gives the number of vertices (3). File: L2V4.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L2 refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. V4 gives the number of vertices (4). File: L2V5.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L2 refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. V5 gives the number of vertices (5). File: L2V6.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. L2 refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. V6 gives the number of vertices (6). File: Experiment1_ERP stats.xlsx Description: All ERP statistics. Tabs include 'PIVOT' - an Excel pivot table of the raw data, used for running stats on. 'Raw Data' - the output of mean amplitudes and latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'N1 Stats' - analysis of the N1 component. 'SPN Stats' - analysis of the N2 component incorrectly labelled as SPN. 'Mid_Left_Frontal' - analysis of the LMF effect. 'Sheet 1' - condition naming, used for naming variables in SPSS analysis. File: Segmentation Stats.xlsx Description: All TANOVA and Microstate statistics. Tabs include 'TANOVA' - TANOVA comparisons between individual conditions, with time periods of topographic dissimilarity highlighted (anything above 0.95). 'DISS' - corresponding dissimilarity measure between conditions. 'GFP data' - the Global Field Power calculated for each condition of the experiment. Graphic shows GFP and the best fitting microstate segmentation model over all conditions, with periods of topographic stability highlighted. 'Segmentation Global Stats' - shows the criteria used for determining the best fitting model, with the deemed best fit highlighted. 'Segmentation Stats' - statistics for analysisng the fit of the segmentation to the three periods of interest, N1, N2, and LMF. 'Raw Data N1 Fit' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the N1 window of analysis. 'N1 Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the N1 range, for statistical analysis. 'Raw Data SPN Fit' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the N2 window of analysis. 'SPN Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the N2 range, for statistical analysis. 'Raw Data LMFE Fit' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the LMF window of analysis. 'LMFE Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the LMFE range, for statistical analysis. [Experiment 2]: File: R_E3.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. R refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. E3 gives the number of elements (3). File: R_E4.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. R refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. E4 gives the number of elements (4). File: R_E5.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. R refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. E5 gives the number of elements (5). File: R_E6.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. R refers to elements placed in a random confirguration. E6 gives the number of elements (6). File: S_E3.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. S refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. E3 gives the number of elements (3). File: S_E4.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. S refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. E4 gives the number of elements (4). File: S_E5.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. S refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. E5 gives the number of elements (5). File: S_E6.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. S refers to elements placed in a shape confirguration. E6 gives the number of elements (6). File: AllERPData_Exp2.xlsx Description: All ERP statistics for experiment 2. Tabs include 'PIVOT Table' - an Excel pivot table of the raw data, used for running stats on. 'Raw Data' - the output of mean amplitudes and latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'N1 Stats' - analysis of the N1 component. 'SPN Stats' - analysis of the N2 component incorrectly labelled as SPN. 'Mid_Left_Frontal Stats' - analysis of the LMF effect. 'Sheet 1' - condition naming, used for naming variables in SPSS analysis. File: SegmentationStats_Exp2.xlsx Description: All TANOVA and Microstate statistics for experiment 2. Tabs include 'TANOVA' - TANOVA comparisons between individual conditions, with time periods of topographic dissimilarity highlighted (anything above 0.95). 'DISS' - corresponding dissimilarity measure between conditions. 'Segmentation Global Stats' - shows the criteria used for determining the best fitting model, with the deemed best fit highlighted. 'GFP' - the Global Field Power calculated for each condition of the experiment. Graphic shows GFP and the best fitting microstate segmentation model over all conditions, with periods of topographic stability highlighted. 'Segmentation Stats' - statistics for analysisng the fit of the segmentation to the three periods of interest, N1, N2, and LMF. 'N1 Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the N1 range, for statistical analysis. 'Raw Data N1 Fit' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the N1 window of analysis. 'SPN Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the N2 range, for statistical analysis. 'Raw Data SPN Fit' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the N2 window of analysis. 'LMFE Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the LMFE range, for statistical analysis. 'Raw Data LMFE Fit' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the LMF window of analysis. [Experiment 3]: File: M_E3.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. M refers to multi-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of black and white dots together. E3 gives the number of elements (3). File: M_E4.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. M refers to multi-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of black and white dots together. E4 gives the number of elements (4). File: M_E5.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. M refers to multi-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of black and white dots together. E5 gives the number of elements (5). File: M_E6.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. M refers to multi-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of black and white dots together. E6 gives the number of elements (6). File: U_E3.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. U refers to uni-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of either only black or white elements. E3 gives the number of elements (3). File: U_E4.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. U refers to uni-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of either only black or white elements. E4 gives the number of elements (4). File: U_E5.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. U refers to uni-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of either only black or white elements. E5 gives the number of elements (5). File: U_E6.avg Description: Grand Averaged ERP in Neuroscan .avg file format. U refers to uni-polarity stimulus condition, i.e., presentation of either only black or white elements. E6 gives the number of elements (6). File: AllERPData_Exp3.xlsx Description: All ERP statistics for experiment 3. Tabs include 'PIVOT' - an Excel pivot table of the raw data, used for running stats on. 'Raw Data' - the output of mean amplitudes and latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'N1 Stats' - analysis of the N1 component. 'SPN Stats' - analysis of the N2 component incorrectly labelled as SPN. 'Mid_Left_Frontal Stats' - analysis of the LMF effect. 'Sheet 2' - condition naming, used for naming variables in SPSS analysis. File: SegmentationStats_Exp3.xlsx Description: All TANOVA and Microstate statistics for experiment 3. Tabs include 'TANOVA' - TANOVA comparisons between individual conditions, with time periods of topographic dissimilarity highlighted (anything above 0.95). 'DISS' - corresponding dissimilarity measure between conditions. 'GFP data' - the Global Field Power calculated for each condition of the experiment. 'Global Segmentation Model' - shows the criteria used for determining the best fitting model, with the deemed best fit highlighted. Graphic shows GFP and the best fitting microstate segmentation model over all conditions, with periods of topographic stability highlighted. 'Segmentation Stats' - statistics for analysisng the fit of the segmentation to the three periods of interest, N1, N2, and LMF. 'N1 Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the N1 range, for statistical analysis. 'N1_fit_raw' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the N1 window of analysis. 'SPN Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the N2 range, for statistical analysis. 'SPN_fit_raw' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the N2 window of analysis. 'LMFE Fit Pivot' - the comparison of global explained variance for all conditions and maps present in the LMFE range, for statistical analysis. 'LMFE_fit_raw' - the raw data for fitting the segmentation to individual participants in the LMF window of analysis. File: Visual number behavioural data.xlsx Description: All accuracy and reaction time raw data for all three experiments.