Neural responses to dynamic adaptation reveal the dissociation between the processing of the shape of contours and textures Damien Wright, Elena Gheorghiu & Benjamin Dering - University of Stirling Jasna Martinovic - University of Aberdeen The dataset incorporates all raw data files, Grand Averaged ERP data, code used to generate experiment images, files to run the experiments and statistics. EEG Trigger numbers Contours No Adaptation: 1,6,2,7,3,8 Textures No Adaptation: 4,9,5,10 Contour Adaptor/Contour Test: 201,206 Orthogonal Orientation Centre Surround Adpator/Conotur Test: 203,208 Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Contour Test: 202,207 Contour Adaptor/Texture Test: 205,210 Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Texture Test: 204,209 File: TimeVector.mat Description: Matlab file containing timepoint information with each column corresponding to a time point [Experiment 1_Snake]: File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeContourAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeContourAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeContourNoAdaptation.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeContourNoAdaptation.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeOrthogonalOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeOrthogonalOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeTextureNoAdaptation.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeTextureNoAdaptation.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeTextureTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp1_GrandAverageSnakeSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-SnakeTextureTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp1_S1.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 1 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S2.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 2 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S3.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 3 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S4.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 4 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S5.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 5 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S6.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 6 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S7.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 7 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S8.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 8 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S9.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 9 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S10.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 10 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S11.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 11 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S12.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 12 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S13.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 13 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S14.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 14 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S15.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 15 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S16.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 16 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S17.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 17 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S18.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 18 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S19.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 19 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S20.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 20 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S21.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 21 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S22.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 22 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp1_S23.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 23 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Experiment1_ERP stats.xlsx Description: All ERP statistics. Tabs include 'Info' - information regarding the name of the conditions. 'P1 Amplitude' - the output of mean amplitudes for all conditions for all participants. 'P1 latency' - the output of mean latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'N1 Amplitude' - Amplitudes of the N1 component. 'N1 latency- Latency of the N1 component. 'Late Component' - Amplitudes of the late component for all conditions and all participants. 'Diff Early Component' - Amplitudes of the difference wave early component for all conditions and all participants.'Diff Late Component' - Amplitudes of the difference wave late component for all conditions and all participants. File: Snake.ebs Description: E-prime file used to run the experiment File: Description: E-prime file used to run the experiment Each .bmp file is an image presented in the experiment. CACTa refers to an image presented in the adaptation period for the Contour Adaptor/Contour Test condition CACTt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Contour Adaptor/Contour Test condition OTACTa refers to an image presented in the adaption period for the Orthogonal Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Conotur Test condition OTACTt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Orthogonal Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Conotur Test condition STCTa refers to an image presented in the adaptation period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Contour Test condition STCTt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Contour Test condition STSTa refers to an image presented in the adaptation period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Texture Test condition STSTt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Texture Test condition i (e.g. iCACTa2) denotes that the positon of the top and bottom stimuli have been swapped compared with corresponding .bmp file that has no i (e.g. CACTa2) [Experiment 2_Ladder]: File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderContourAdaptor-LadderContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderContourAdaptor-LadderContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderContourNoAdaptation.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderContourNoAdaptation.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderOrthogonalOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderOrthogonalOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderTextureNoAdaptation.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderTextureNoAdaptation.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderContourTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderContourTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderTextureTest.set Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .set file format. File: Exp2_GrandAverageLadderSameOrientationCentreSurroundAdaptor-LadderTextureTest.fdt Description: Grand Averaged ERP in .fdt file format. File: Exp2_S1.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 1 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S2.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 2 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S3.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 3 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S4.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 4 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S5.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 5 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S6.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 6 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S7.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 7 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S8.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 8 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S9.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 9 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S10.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 10 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S11.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 11 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S12.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 12 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S13.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 13 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S14.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 14 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S15.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 15 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S16.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 16 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S17.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 17 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S18.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 18 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S19.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 19 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S20.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 20 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S21.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 21 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S22.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 22 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Exp2_S23.cnt Description: Raw individual data for participant 23 in .cnt file format which contains all conditions File: Experiment2_ERP stats.xlsx Description: All ERP statistics. Tabs include 'Info' - information regarding the name of the conditions. 'P1 Amplitude' - the output of mean amplitudes for all conditions for all participants. 'P1 latency' - the output of mean latencies for all conditions for all participants. 'N1 Amplitude' - Amplitudes of the N1 component. 'N1 latency- Latency of the N1 component. 'Late Component' - Amplitudes of the late component for all conditions and all participants. 'Diff Early Component' - Amplitudes of the difference wave early component for all conditions and all participants.'Diff Late Component' - Amplitudes of the difference wave late component for all conditions and all participants. File: Ladder.ebs Description: E-prime file used to run the experiment File: Description: E-prime file used to run the experiment Each .bmp file is an image presented in the experiment. LCLCa refers to an image presented in the adaptation period for the Contour Adaptor/Contour Test condition LCLCt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Contour Adaptor/Contour Test condition OTLCa refers to an image presented in the adaption period for the Orthogonal Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Conotur Test condition OTLCt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Orthogonal Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Conotur Test condition STLCa refers to an image presented in the adaptation period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Contour Test condition STLCt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Contour Test condition STSTa refers to an image presented in the adaptation period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Texture Test condition STSTt refers to an image presented in the test period for the Same Orientation Centre Surround Adaptor/Texture Test condition i (e.g. iLCLCa2) denotes that the positon of the top and bottom stimuli have been swapped compared with corresponding .bmp file that has no i (e.g. LCLCa2) [ImageCreation]: File: ExpStimuli.c Description: Code in .c file format to generate images used in both experiments. See Readme_Stimuli file for further information