Data sets and figures for the paper "Relating Training Instances to Automatic Design of Algorithms for Bin Packing via Features"; Alexander E.I. Brownlee, John R. Woodward, Nadarajen Veerapen; Companion Proceedings of GECCO 2018, Kyoto Japan. figures/ is the full set of figures for the instance sets and footprints stirling-instances/ contains the generated instances mentioned in the paper. Dir names are stir_generated_binCapacity_itemSizeLowerBound_itemSizeUpperBound. Filenames are stir_binCapacity_numberOfItems_itemSizeLowerBound_itemSizeUpperBound Format of files are the same as the Falkenauer benchmarks: line1:number of items line2:volume of bins any addition lines: item size data-wide/ contains the results of GP runs. There are three types of files in here: - waescher_instances.txt is just a list of the instance files in a given set (Waescher in this case) - waescher_performance_0.txt is the output from a GP run for the named instance set (Waescher here). Line 1 is the best GP program found. The remainder is tab-separated data for each bin packing instance in the set; instanceSet instanceName(usually automatically generated) numberOfBins(required when using the GP evolved packing policy) - waescher_29_on_stir_generated_150_76_100_performance.txt is the result when running the policy that was trained on waescher (run 29), on the instances in the stir_generated_150_76_100 set. content is same as line above. metricsAndRawBinCountsAll-allbp-trained-footprints - comma separated file with all data used for the analysis. Each row is the data for bin bin packing instance. Columns are: - format: the file format - set: the instance set the instance belongs to - id: a unique ID - file: filename containing the instance - numberInFile: some of the files have more than one instance. This is the index within the file. - isVolumesAreInts-ItemListCompressionRatio: the static features for the instance - ScaledFit0_raw-ScaledFit10_raw: the performance features for the instance (number of bins required by the scaled fit policies) - ScaledFit0_rank-ScaledFit10_dist: scaled variants of the performance features (unused in the paper) - 2cbp_0-stir_generated_150_76_100_29: number of bins required for this instance when using the policy trained on the named set, in GP run number x - 2cbp_footprintCount-stir_generated_150_76_100_footprintCount: number of times this instances appears in the footprint of policies trained on the names instance set